Not sure why…

But tonight just seems like a good night to get back to the writing.

Somehow, a whole summer has now passed since I last took a moment to jot down my thoughts, and as the days keep passing, more keeps happening that merits a story or recollection. I would like to explore these day to day happenings once more, and also take the time to reflect on all that has happened in the past few months – from experiences taking teens to farms around the Bay, to camp sustainability committees, to songs about compost, to yoga and salsa dancing and studying for the GREs, ideas and commitments to self.

Tawonga Garden - Before

I am just now looking back at pictures showing the state of the Camp Tawonga garden at the beginning of this summer, and am realizing how much it has flourished since the late days of May. I wonder how much I have grown, too, and in what ways. I feel like I am at a point now where I am able to take what I’ve learned in the past year and apply it, teaching it to others, and really amplify the impact of my learnings.


For the months upcoming, I truly hope to make an effective use of my time, devoting my “work life” to meaningful endeavors I believe in, and supplementing these commitments with continued exploration and creative applications of my interests and love.

Tarp folding

Music? Poetry? Plays? Street theater? I’m not sure what form it will take, but I can feel the hankering for something to channel that which I’ve come to care about into forms that make others laugh, pause, think, feel, or perhaps have the room to experience for themselves.


A bit of ramble to kick things off again, but nice to be writing again nonetheless. Here’s to what comes next.

Around the bend

Much love,

P.S. Just so this post doesn’t seem too serious:


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2 Responses to Not sure why…

  1. Linda Griswold says:

    Good to see you writing again. By the way, I love your hair!!! You look awesome!! Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks. Much love, Mom

  2. marc says:

    i enjoy my subscription to your blog and was pleased to see you write again. it’s great to see you being yourself, and then getting to hear you reflect upon your adventures in a deep and meaningful way. keep following that heart of yours, and keep us posted with your newest news 🙂

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